Enroll and Pay for Training
through the OHI Website

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40 Hour CRMA-May 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 2021
May 11, 2021 - 8:30 am - May 19, 2021 - 4:30 pm
$15.00 – $300.00Dates of class: May 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 2021
Registration closes 5/4
Information for this class will be sent out on May 4. If you do not get information on this date please email [email protected]
Online 40hr CRMA Course
Requirements for this class:
- UMU Account- This may be obtained at UMU.com and it is free. Tests are done in this program.
- Google Meet- This may be obtained at meet.google.com and is free. A link is provided to each student.
- Google Classroom- This is the format used for the course. Students will receive an email with an invitation to join from OHI at least 7 days prior to the start of class. The student must accept the invitation within 2 days prior to the start date of the class.
- Camera – The student must have a working camera on their computer, and it must always be on.
- Microphone – The student must have a working microphone on their computer to participate.
- Students’ email – this will be used throughout the course, and it must be provided prior to the start of class. Google Classroom does not work with yahoo email accounts.
- Textbook/Regulations- The training uses the curriculum provided by the State of Maine for CRMA’s and the State of Maine Regulations Governing the Licensing and Functioning of Assisted Housing Programs Leve IV Residential Care Facilities and Level IV PNMI. A copy of the CRMA Manual that includes the regulations is provided for each student. They may download it or save it to their desktops.
- Equipment- to perform vital signs: Thermometer, Stethoscope, and Blood Pressure Cuff. These are not provided to the student. OHI employees are expected to go to the homes where they work and practice. The student will be required to practice these on their own after watching demonstration videos. The student must accurately perform each task with the RN during the 3 medication passes to pass the course.
- A Registered Nurse- to observe and document completion of 3 mock or live med passes and verification of students’ ability and accuracy in taking vital signs that include, temperature, radial pulse, apical pulse, respirations, and manual blood pressure. Vital signs must be done in person not virtually.
- Testing – all tests must be done with the student’s camera on and will be observed. Testing is closed book. No notes or other materials or persons may assist the student. If this is not observed the student will be removed from class.
Participant Skills: Student’s need to know how to:
- Operate a computer
- Upload and download files/forms
- Maneuver through Google Classroom
—————-Course Participation through Virtual Platform
Days 1 through 5- 8:30 am to 4:30 pm each day
This training requires the student to attend all the virtual classes and complete all assignments to obtain the CRMA certification. If the student misses a day, they will have to take the entire course over. The course is spread out over five days. This does not mean consecutive days. Each day will consist of a lecture. Some days it may be most of the day. Students are expected to be on time each day. In addition, the student will be required to watch several videos showing a demonstration of proper technique for various tasks. There are two research assignments due by 4:30 pm on Day 4. There are three quizzes and a final exam which are all closed book and are completed on-line through UMU.com. The instructor will review all expectations on the first day of class.
It is expected that the students will practice taking vital signs and performing mock medication passes. Students are allotted time throughout the course to do this.
- Quiz after each Unit
- Unit 1 – 25 questions, Unit 2 – 50 questions, Unit 3 – 25 questions
- Pass at 80%
- One retake may be allowed; participants can only earn a maximum of 80 for the retake.
- Final Exam
- 100 Points
- Pass at 80%
- One retake may be allowed; participants can only earn a maximum of 80 for the retake.
- Retakes may be done at the discretion of the Instructor with a new version of the Quiz/Exam.
Overall Course
- Projects 25% (Two assignments)
- Module Quizzes 50% (Three quizzes)
- Final Exam 25%
- Clinical – Pass/Fail (see expectations below).
Expectations of participants upon completion of the online course.
Clinical: Completed with a Registered Nurse- instructions provided to students for the RN.
The participant must successfully complete 3 mock medication passes (or 3 live med passes) and demonstrate taking vital signs with 100% accuracy under the observation of a Registered Nurse according to the CRMA Medication Administration Skills Checklist.
Procedure: The student is to demonstrate administering medications to 3 different individuals. NO COACHING IS ALLOWED. The RN is to observe only, and IMMEDIATELY STOP the medication administration process if something incorrect is about to happen. If the RN stops the medication administration process, the participant will be allowed to regroup and begin a new medication administration. The student may repeat this component twice, for a total of three attempts of three passes before a “fail” grade will be assigned. The RN will complete the CRMA Medication Administration Skills Checklist during these three med passes.
The mock med passes may be done via FaceTime or another virtual format that the RN chooses. The RN will also observe (in person) and verify the student accurately performing vital signs and document it on the same checklist. The RN then signs his/her name and dates the form, and the student does the same. This form, along with a copy of the RN’s license, is returned to the instructor for submission to the State of Maine within forty-five (45) days of the last day of class.
The instructor will provide the students with bubble packs for their 3 mock medication passes if needed and requested by the student and/or RN. Three (3) live med passes may be completed instead of mock med passes. The vital signs must be done in person so the RN can verify the accuracy of the numbers the student obtained. Updated: 2/11/21 CB