Brewer Area Food Pantry Opens for Thanksgiving

OHI and Brewer Area Food Pantry Offers Thanksgiving Turkeys


By Rich Romero

OHI Resource Developer

HERMON, Maine – A local nonprofit agency plans to open the Brewer Area Food Pantry in time for the Thanksgiving holiday and distribute 50 turkeys among other food to qualifying residents.

Located at 222 North Main Street, the opening marks the return of a food pantry to the communities of Brewer and Eddington after a 15-month absence of such a charitable resource. The pantry distributes food 10 a.m. to noon on opening day. A community Open House is planned for 1-4 p.m. Dec. 11.

“We hoped to open Nov. 1; however, an unforeseen heating issue during renovations forced us to alter those plans,” said Brenda Leavitt, OHI project manager. “We’re thankful to still meet our goal of opening before the Thanksgiving holiday.”

Regular operating hours for the food pantry begin Dec. 4. The facility opens 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday and Friday the first four weeks of each month and 6-8 p.m. the fourth Thursday. It’s not open during a fifth week of any month. People eligible to use the food pantry need to be Brewer or Eddington residents and meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture Emergency Food Assistance Program income guidelines. People planning to use the food pantry for the first time should be prepared to complete an application to determine eligibility.

People using public transportation, walking or driving and require handicap parking are asked to use the front entrance facing North Main Street as parking is limited there and designated for handicap parking only, Leavitt said. Ample parking for all others is available in back of the building where there is a rear entrance.

The Brewer Area Food Pantry is staffed by volunteers and operated by OHI, a Hermon-based public nonprofit agency that supports adults with intellectual disabilities and mental illness and has offices in the Twin City Plaza in Brewer.

“While there’s a growing list of volunteers, we could always use more,” Leavitt said. “We really need volunteer support to prepare for opening day. At best, we have just a few days between when we expect the building to be ready to occupy and when we open.”

In addition, OHI still has furnishings and supply needs for the facility particularly an office chair, and folding tables and chairs.

Community members or businesses interested in providing financial support, donations of food or equipment, or volunteers to help set up or staff the Brewer Area Food Pantry should call Leavitt at 605-1208, or e-mail her at [email protected].

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