Enroll and Pay for Training
through the OHI Website

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8 Hour CRMA- March 10, 2022

Blended Learning

Virtual Learning Class Programs used: Google Classroom-https://classroom.google.com Google Meet- https://meet.google.com/ UMU-https://www.umu.com/auth/register#/register An RN is needed to complete the med pass for this course THIS IS A ONE-DAY CLASS. OHI offers … Continued


8 Hour CRMA- February 16 2022- Virtual Session

203 Maine Ave 203 Maine Ave, Bangor, ME, United States

Virtual Learning Class Programs used: Google Classroom-https://classroom.google.com Google Meet- https://meet.google.com/ UMU-https://www.umu.com/auth/register#/register The instructor will schedule a time for you to come to 203 Maine Ave in Bangor Maine to do … Continued


8 Hour CRMA April 7- Virtual Session- Sold out

Blended Learning

Virtual Learning Programs used: Google Classroom-https://classroom.google.com Google Meet- https://meet.google.com/ UMU-https://www.umu.com/auth/register#/register An RN is needed to complete the med pass for this course THIS IS A ONE-DAY CLASS. OHI offers courses … Continued


40 Hour CRMA- April 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 2022

Blended Learning

NOTE: If a class has less than 4 people signed up  The people enrolled will be moved to The next available class. Registration closes 4/5- A Google classroom invite will … Continued

$200.00 – $300.00

8 Hour CRMA- May 5-Sold Out

203 Maine Ave 203 Maine Ave, Bangor, ME, United States

THIS IS A ONE-DAY CLASS. OHI offers courses for people who are currently Certified Residential Medication Aides (CRMAs). Class size is maxed at 10 participants. Available slots shown are designated … Continued


40 Hour CRMA- May 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 2022- Virtual Course

203 Maine Ave 203 Maine Ave, Bangor, ME, United States

NOTE: If a class has less than 4 people signed up  The people enrolled will be moved to The next available class. Registration closes 5/3- A Google classroom invite will … Continued


8 Hour CRMA- June 2 -Virtual Session

Blended Learning

Virtual Learning Programs used: Google Classroom-https://classroom.google.com Google Meet- https://meet.google.com/ UMU-https://www.umu.com/auth/register#/register The student will be scheduled for a med pass at 203 Maine Ave on the day of class, Virtual med passes are being phased out by the state. THIS IS A ONE-DAY CLASS. OHI offers courses for people who are currently Certified Residential Medication Aides … Continued


We Offer People With Disabilities
the Resources They Need to Make
Life Choices and Set Their Own Goals